Drum Dropper

Tech Specs

Category: Ableton Racks

Devices: Drum Rack Impulse Operator Simpler

Version: Live 9.0.5

Format: Rack (.adg)

Type: Instrument

Special Instructions

TO SAVE: First D/L the file and unzip it, then drag it into an open Ableton Live set or double-click it to make it open in Ableton. Next, you can choose either… _Easy, unorganized Method: Hit the “save button” on the Drum Dropper Instrument Rack and then hit “enter”. _Slightly less easy, uber-savvy organizo method: Drag the “Drum Dropper” rack into the path “User Library” -> “Presets” -> “Instruments” -> “Instrument Rack” and then either “Percussive” or “Templates” depending on your preference. (If a folder with that exact name doesn’t exist in that location, make one!) Then this rack will also appear in your Factory Library Categories section under “Instruments” -> [selected category]. (as per http://performodule.wordpress.com/2013/05/24/how-to-organize-user-plugin-presets-like-a-boss-in-ableton-9-using-the-hidden-architecture/ )

Here’s a free device for Ableton Live 9 for you which can be used to fill out every midi note in an instrument rack with drum hits. Requires: Drum Rack, Impulse, Simpler, & [optionally] Operator (or Max for Live).

It’s Good for using a full-range midi keyboard to brainstorm drum programming. Or, for making a drum rack for live play that uses the entire range and the capabilities of several devices.

Simply drop in one each of your favorite device presets: 1 drum rack, 1 impulse rack, 1 simpler (or sampler), and 1 drum-synth (either operator, one of the maxforlive drumsynth instruments, or a vst drum-synth of your choice).

You drop them in the labeled spots, and the midi key zones will automatically fit so that each note in the entire range plays 1 drum hit.

_The Operator (or DrumSynth) will be mapped from C-2 to B0 (presets with key modulation are more interesting as the different notes will sound differently then) _The Drum Rack will be mapped from C1 to D#2 (normal drum rack range. Works best if using a drum rack with samples filling each of the standard 16 pads. If more pads are filled they will be ignored. If some are empty they will play blank notes. Feel free to craft your own drum rack with individual samples instead of dropping in a whole rack if desired) _The Impulse will be mapped from E2 to B2 (try out the “stretch” knobs – impulse’s most prominent quirk). Please note that the impulse triggers are mapped chromatically now, not in the key of C! ~HINT: Drop 8 samples inside the Impulse Slots (rather than a whole new impulse device) and it will retain the pre-mapped fx macros. _The Simpler will be mapped from C3 to G8 (…as with the Operator Drop, presets with key modulation are more interesting as the different notes will then sound differently) ~HINT: Drop a sample inside the Simpler (rather than a whole new simpler device) and it will retain the pre-mapped fx macros.

(it comes pre-loaded with some Core Library stuff to get you started)