Electric Touch for FXpansion DCAM Synth Squad

Electric Touch is a soundbank for electronic music, besides having edgy electronic sounds in it, it also includes beautiful keys and characterful effects, it’s well suited for musicians who like to play synthesizers as an instruments rather than machines generating interesting noises. It shares some similarities with a Zebra2 soundbank, but it is more colorful and refined, it can be viewed as an extantion to Zebra2 soundbank. Soundbank comprises 150 presets and 32 variations, all presets have mod-wheel assignments and most have a secondary performance wheel (P2) assignment too. For more info please visit: Electric Touch for FXpansion DCAM Synth Squad or http://blueeyedblondape.wordpress.com/electric-touch-for-fxpansion-dcam-synth-squad/