The 'Andromeda Galaxy ' Soundset by CHE

Tech Specs

Category: Synth Presets

Synth: Z3TA+

The 'Andromeda Galaxy ' Soundset by CHE 2013 for the Cakewalk - Z3TA+ 2 Software Synthesizer


  • 1 Soundset with 64 Presets
  • Presets Sound Design by: CHE
  • Format: 7 Folders [*.FXP]
  • Release Date: 12-2013
  • Info: Read me - PDF
  • For: Z3TA+ v2.1
  • File Size: 1 MB
  • Genre: Trance
  • Price: Free

Welcome to TONE COLORS Sound Design Freeware Presets for Software & Hardware Synthesizer

Royalty Free Soundset / License

All ' Tone Colors ' Freeware Soundsets by CHE for the Virtual Software Instruments. They can be used commercially in things like movies, games, and anything else you might need a cool sound for. You may not however redistribute them for a profit. While sending one to a friend is ok, selling one to a customer is not.

Install Instructions:

  1. Copy the Folder " Cyberkinesis " into: C:Cakewalk ContentZ3TA 2Programs
  2. Open Z3TA 2, select your bank
  3. Enjoy!

Andromeda Galaxy - 7 Folders

Andromeda I
Andromeda II
Andromeda III
Andromeda IV
Andromeda V
Andromeda VI
Andromeda VII

Preset Names

Andromeda I:
001 Acamar
002 Achernar
003 Achird
004 Acrux
005 Acubens
006 Adhara
007 Adhil
008 Agenau
009 Ain
010 Akrab

Andromeda II:

011 Aladfar
012 Alamak
013 Alasco
014 Alathfar
015 Albaldah
016 Albali
017 Albireo
018 Alchiba
019 Aldebaran
020 Ala zeta

Andromeda III:

021 Aldhafera
022 Aldhanab
023 Aldhibah
024 Alfirk
025 Algenib
026 Algieba
027 Algiedi
028 Algol
029 Algorab
030 Alhena

Andromeda IV:

031 Alioth
032 Alkalurops
033 Kaphrah
034 Alkes
035 Alkione
036 Alkor
038 Al Kurud
039 Al Nair
040 Alnilam

Andromeda V:

041 Alnitak
042 Alniyat
043 Alrakis
044 Alrischa
045 Alsafi
046 Alschain
047 Alshat
048 Alsciaukat
049 Altarf
050 Altair

Andromeda VI:

051 Altais
052 Alterf
053 Aludra
054 Alwaid
055 Alya
056 Alzir
057 Ancha
058 Angetenar
059 Antares
060 Anser

Andromeda VII:

061 Anwar
062 Arcturus
063 Arneb
064 Arrakis




Sonic Sirius - Synthesizer Soundsets
Freeware Soundsets for Software and Hardware Synthesizer

posted 8 years, 8 months and 12 days ago

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