Kitchen Ding Bangs

Tech Specs

Category: Ableton Racks

Devices: Drum Rack Simpler

Version: Live 8 Live 9.0

Format: Live Set (.als)

Type: Instrument

Genre: Various

Special Instructions

Plenty more Ableton Live related stuff is available at Sonic Bloom including freebies like Live Packs, skins and colour schemes for Push.

The “Kitchen Ding Bangs” Live Pack contains a Drum Rack for percussive fun as well as a Simpler with a tuned ding sound for piano-like chords and melodies. The Drum Rack is fully macro mapped and contains an Impulse per sample instead of a Simper to make use of its time-stretching capabilities. The Live Pack works in Live 8 and 9.




I have tried adding the .als file extension and the file still comes up corrupt on opening

posted 9 years, 8 months and 23 days ago

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