DrTW Warm Pads for FM8 (or DX7)

Tech Specs

Category: Synth Presets

Synth: DX7 FM8

Format: .syx

Special Instructions

Unzip the file and it will become a .syx file. This can then be imported into FM8 via its file menu.

I created these on a classic Yamaha TX802, the rack version of the DX7. The file inside this zipped file is a system exclusive (sysex) dump, and can be imported by NI's FM8, as well as other virtuals that can convert DX7 sysex files.

Have a ball! drtimwaters@gmail.com




Totally what i love about FM synths, digital but still warm pads. This collection covers your urge for those lovely sound. Really awesome little collection here!

posted 1 decade, 9 months and 5 days ago



Archive appears to be 0 bytes.

posted 1 decade, 3 months and 8 days ago


Moon Walker

I can not download it. Is the link correct?

posted 5 years, 9 months and 6 days ago

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